The OPT-In ProjectThe OPT-In Project
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Project aims and objectives

This pan-European partnership aims to improve older learners' opportunities for engaging with and informing the development/application of new and emerging technologies. Alongside this the project team will work with older learners to explore and challenge whether traditional pedagogic approaches are the most effective way of enabling people to learn about and use new technologies.
  • The objectives of the partnership are therefore to increase the:
    • confidence of older people and workers to use diverse technologies in daily life
    • opportunities for older people and their supporters to engage with existing, new and emerging technologies
    • use of technology as a medium that enhances older peoples' opportunities to be fully engaged citizens in local, national, European and global society

  • The above will be achieved through the use of the following activities:
    • Technological playgrounds where older people and their supporters will be invited to actively engage with a wide variety of new and emerging technologies
    • Simulation centres where technologies have been developed to demonstrate how a range of healthcare interventions can be self-managed
    • Workshops exploring innovative ways of interacting with computers that use tactile, mobile, portable and pervasive technologies.